I Can Save the Earth:
A Kid’s Handbook for Keeping Earth Healthy
and Green
by Anita Holmes
illustrated by David Neuhaus
Julian Messner, New York. 1993
ISBN 0-027-44280-2
I Can Save the Earth: A Kid’s Handbook for Keeping Earth Healthy and Green is loaded with information and activities to help children explore ways they can protect and conserve Earth’s fragile environment––its air, water, land, plants, and animals. Easy-to-understand explanations of such environmental hazards as noise pollution and global warming are presented as are ways to cut down on the causes of such hazards.
While I Can Save the Earth: A Kid’s Handbook for Keeping Earth Healthy and Green was published in the early 1990s and therefore some of the data is out of date, the messages it contains are still true and relevant today.
Although currently out of print, I Can Save the Earth can be obtained through used bookstores as well as online distributors. A few autographed hardback Library editions are available directly from Anita Holmes for $45. Free shipping in the USA. Follow the directions on the Contact page to order.
“This informative guide contains interesting facts, useful illustrations, a glossary, a reading list, and exciting conservation projects that show readers how to take action and preserve the earth’s fragile environment.” – Virtual Curriculum, B.C. Ministry of Education
“A positive, participatory guide. Advising children not to sit back and cry about ecological conditions on Earth or to think that wishing will bring about change, Holmes offers myriad suggestions for result-bringing activities and tactics that are within the reach of most youngsters. Experiments and tests show the results of action or inaction. Statistics are plentiful, but are presented in a clear, simple manner. Pen-and-ink cartoon sketches with green washes (what else?) add information and appeal. A thorough bibliography of current children’s books, a lengthy glossary, and a useful index complement this very worthwhile volume.” – School Library Journal
“Many of my books have been used by teachers and groups as jumping off points for nature study and ecology-related activities. Check out the following that were inspired by I Can Save the Earth:
- Houghton Mifflin Company’s Science Library Adventures activity: http://www.eduplace.com/kids/sla/4/earth.html
- Save-the-earth flyer, Documents & Resources for Small Businesses & Professionals: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/22926579/“Save-the-Earth”-Flyer
Anita Holmes holds the
copyright for all materials contained in I Can Save the Earth: A Kid’s Handbook for Keeping Earth Healthy and Green. For permission to use material from the book, please contact Anita using the Contact form.
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